Engel Family Orientated

ENGEL most family friendly company

ENGEL has been named as one of the most family-friendly companies in Austria.

The accolade was awarded to the manufacturer of injection-moulding machines by Woman magazine.

A year ago, ENGEL opened its own childcare centre for younger children at its headquarters in Schwertberg, Upper Austria. But that is only one of many aspects of ENGEL’s family-friendly approach that its employees rate highly.

“People today rightly expect such a major company as ENGEL to do a lot to make it easier to combine work and family life,” says Carina Grossalber, Head of Recruiting and Recruitment Marketing at ENGEL. Besides the child-care centre, this primarily includes flexible work models. The machine manufacturer also offers flexitime in certain areas of its production. “A family-friendly workplace is not only important for the women in a company,” Grossalber is keen to point out. “At ENGEL, the men also benefit from the provisions made for families.”

Achieving balance between family and a career also relates to issues such as returning to work after parental leave to a position that corresponds to an individual’s strengths and skills, as well as it also being possible for managers and executives to work part time.

“Automatically dropping back down the career ladder after parental leave is not appropriate in this day and age,” explains Carina Grossalber.

Techspan New Zealand have represented ENGEL in New Zealand since 1979. As a family owned business, Techspan too appreciates this family orientated approach.

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