Engel Girls Day Feature Nzl

ENGEL promotes female technicians

Schwertberg, Austria, – April 2021

Supporting young women in their career orientation and giving them a new perspective on the world of work is the aim of Girls Day, which took place for the 20th time on April 22 2021. Injection moulding machine manufacturer ENGEL has been supporting the event for almost 15 years.

“Girls’ Day is a classic win-win situation,” says Werner Wurm, head of the global apprentice training programme at ENGEL. “Finding qualified and committed skilled workers is increasingly becoming a challenge for companies. For us, events like Girls’ Day are the best way to get young women excited about a technical profession. The girls, in turn, get to experience new vocational fields and can see for themselves how much talent they have for a technical profession.” Because of Corona restrictions, Girls’ Day had to take place in digital form this year. “I think it’s good that Girls’ Day is still being offered in 2021 despite the current situation,” Wurm emphasises. Nevertheless, he is looking forward to when the girls are allowed to come back to ENGEL’s apprentice workshop: “A virtual event could never replace the feeling that the participants experience working directly in the workshop and operating machines independently.”

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