Techspan Pink Ribbon Breakfast Feature Image

Pink Ribbon Breakfast – Techspan supports Breast Cancer research

This May is Pink Ribbon Breakfast month – and in association with staff & NZBCF, Techspan New Zealand is running a Pink Ribbon Breakfast at its New Lynn premises in Auckland.   Why not come along and show your support for Breast Cancer research. Prizes, food and more…

Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women, and the third most common cancer overall. Seven New Zealand women, on average, will hear the news today that they have breast cancer. It affects one in nine New Zealand women over their lifetime. Most will survive five years or longer if the cancer is detected early enough but tragically, more than 600 women die of the disease every year.  Some women are at greater risk of breast cancer because there is a history of close family members having the disease. However, most women who develop breast cancer have no close relatives with the disease. Even among women who do have relatives with breast cancer, most will never develop it. (source: NZ Breast Cancer Foundation)

WHEN:    Wednesday 25th May 2016

TIME:    10.30am – 11.30am

WHERE:   Techspan New Zealand , 1 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland

COST/DONATION:  $20 will put you into the draw for some amazing prizes

RSVP:    Please rsvp by email here


Make a Donation

To make a donation to Techspan’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast, click here

Where does the money go ?

Money raised from this year’s Pink Ribbon Breakfasts will fund research projects and medical grants to help improve the survivor-ship of breast cancer in New Zealand. With your help the NZBCF can fund potentially life-saving research which could one day help your mum, your sister, your friend, your daughter. So why not join us on Wednesday 25th May and show your support.

Breast Cancer: Need further information ?

About Pink Ribbon Breakfast click here
The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation click here
Breast Cancer Support click here