
ENGEL presents next generation all-electric e-mac injection moulding machines

Compact, flexible, cost-effective

In October 2020, ENGEL is presenting the next generation of its all-electric e-mac injection moulding machine series in a challenging application for the manufacture of pipette tips. Offering maximum flexibility for individual customer requirements, the e-mac is now even more compact.
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Medical Injection Moulding by ENGEL

When human lives depend on your products: ENGEL medical is your competent partner in the fulfilment of the strictest cleanliness and precision policies in medical technologies.

That is because our precisely designed injection moulding solutions are perfect for producing highly sensitive medical products that come into prolonged contact with parts of the body or fluids.


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ENGEL All Electric – High Speed, Precise Medical Moulding

ENGEL e-motion the all-electric injection moulding machine for high-end applications

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