Covid 19 Migitation News Feature Techspangroup

WE ARE OPEN : Techspan NZL an “essential business”

In these uncertain times we must all work together to get through this imposed lock down here in New Zealand.

We are operating throughout the lock down period but only for goods deliveries and goods despatch.

Techspan is classified as an ‘Essential Service Supplier’ due to being suppliers to the food and medical industries.


Techspan an Essential Service Supplier

Our e-commerce websites can be used for online purchases during lock down as well as orders via email for those with existing accounts. Many of our technical staff are now working from home office locations. Our email systems are up and our mobile phones are on. Calling our office phone line will allow you to contact technical staff via their usual extension numbers.

Our factory is not open to visitors – except couriers as usual for pickups & deliveries.
1st roller down side of the building. Courier & Freight forwarders must observe our strict entry conditions at site.

During these extraordinary times we have implemented greater measures to increase staff distancing and reduce contact between our team. This will continue to be a high priority. The health of our team, their families and the wider community is a priority.



COVID-19 Govt website important information

For Businesses & Organisations – COVID-19

NZL Government COVID-19

Keep safe everyone